Name   Jang Song-u
Sex   Male
Date of Birth   1935
Place of Birth    
Posts Held Deputy commander-in-chief of the People’s Army, cadre of the Korean Workers’ Party’s Central Committee, chief of the committee’s national security bureau, member of the seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th and 11th Supreme People’s Assemblies
Claim to Fame Military general
Education Kim Il Sung Military University
Profile Jang Song-u is a brother of Kim Jong-il’s brother-in-law Jang Song-thaek. Song-u’s absolute trust in Kim has earned him key military positions.

During the Korean War, he served in the 2nd Division of the People’s Army and was known for advancing his troops to the Nakdong River in 1950. Considered a second-generation revolutionary, he is the suspected mastermind of the North’s 1983 terrorist bombing in Burma.

Named a section leader of the organizational bureau of the Korean Workers’ Party’s Central Committee in 1973, he was promoted to major general in 1977 and committee cadre in 1980. He took over the reconnaissance bureau of the People’s Armed Forces Ministry in 1988 and was named first deputy chief of the committee’s public security bureau in 1989. He also rapidly moved up the ranks in the People’s Army, first as lieutenant general in 1990 and then a colonel general less than two years later.

In 1994, he took over as chief of the Public Security Bureau and was named commander of the 3rd Corps. After taking over the General Bureau of Security Guards, he went on to become deputy commander-in-chief of the People’s Army in 2002 and head of the people’s security bureau of the party’s committee in 2003.

Considered extremely smart, Jang is career military man who thinks and acts like a solider.