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China Continues Distortions of Korea’s Ancient History


A Chinese social science institute has released on its Website article summaries on China’s Northeast Asia Project arguing that Korea’s ancient kingdoms were part of China.

The summaries say that the Malgal Tribe, who lived in northern China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, played a leading role in founding the ancient Balhae Kingdom of Korea. They argue that Balhae should thus be considered a provincial government of the Tang Dynasty.

The academic materials assert that China’s legendary sage Kija established a provincial government on the Korean Peninsula, which served as a starting point for Korea’s ancient kingdoms including Koguryo and Balhae.

They also argue that land near the Han River was once Chinese territory. And that Korea’s kingdoms of Shilla, Koryo and Chosun invaded Chinese soil while pursuing northward territorial expansion.

The summaries also claim that Chosun unilaterally moved a stone monument on Mt. Baekdu that marked the Chinese-Korean border. They argue that during its colonial rule, Japan also had Chosun create a border dispute with China and encouraged Koreans to move to Yenji in northeast China to ease a Japanese invasion.

Articles on China’s Northeast Asia Project will be published in book form later this year.

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