Moon's Adviser: S. Korea Can Use PyeongChang Olympics, as N. Korea Does


President Moon Jae-in’s special security adviser says South Korea can utilize North Korea’s participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics as much as the North does. 

At a lecture in Paris on Monday, Moon Chung-in, presidential special adviser on foreign affairs and national security, addressed criticism in South Korea and beyond that the North is using the Olympics for its own ends. 

However, he said the South can also use the occasion in its own way. 

He said President Moon’s friendly gesture toward the North is because he wants to make PyeongChang an Olympics of peace, adding the president’s biggest goal is peace on the Korean Peninsula and unification.  

He said if the South treats the North not as a rogue state, but as a normal nation, it could prompt the North to change its ways. 

He said conducting joint training sessions at the North’s Masikryong Ski Resort is also one way of building trust with the North. 

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