Inter-Korean Ski Training Proceeds as Scheduled


Anchor: A South Korean delegation arrived in North Korea on a chartered plane Wednesday to take part in a joint ski training session. The planned trip had been in doubt after the North cancelled a joint cultural event at Mount Geumgang earlier this week. 
Our Park Jong-hong has this report.

Report: A South Korean delegation took a chartered plane to North Korea on Wednesday to take part in a joint ski training session. 

South Korea’s Unification Ministry said early Wednesday that a chartered plane would depart  from Yangyang International Airport in Gangwon Province bound for Kalma Airport in North Korea’s eastern city of Wonsan.

The delegation includes 31 skiers and coaches, as well as about a dozen support staff and pool reporters.

During their two-day trip, the group will inspect the ski course and take part in alpine skiing and cross-country skiing friendly competitions.

The joint ski training session was arranged earlier this month, but confirmation of the event had been delayed until Wednesday morning due to pending consultations between Seoul and Washington over U.S. sanctions against the North.

Last September, the Trump administration announced a set of sanctions that include banning vessels and aircraft that have visited North Korea from entering the U.S. within 180 days.

Seoul has asserted that its push for inter-Korean sports and cultural activities would not undermine the international community’s sanctions.

Skeptics say that the Kim Jong-un regime is only seeking to improve ties with the South by participating in the upcoming Winter Olympics in a bid to get the sanctions relaxed.

In response to such concerns, the ministry said it is mindful of the worries and added it will closely cooperate with neighboring countries.

Earlier this week, the North notified the South that it is calling off a joint cultural event at Mount Geumgang scheduled for this Sunday.

North Korea experts said it was in protest against media reports critical of a planned military parade in the North on the eve of the Olympics.
Park Jong-hong KBS World Radio News.
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