Pro-Pyongyang Newspaper Blasts S. Korean Criticism over Military Parade


A pro-North Korean newspaper published in Japan has criticized the government and a conservative circle in the South over taking issue with an upcoming military parade to be held in the North. 

The Choson Sinbo said on Wednesday that conservative South Korean media and right-wing politicians have made absurd remarks about the February eighth parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the North Korean army.

The newspaper said the South’s criticism of a celebratory event in the North is aimed at dampening the improved relations between the two Koreas, which it said were created thanks to the North’s generosity and initiatives. 

It then said the North’s cancellation of a joint cultural event at Mount Geumgang scheduled to be held this Sunday was a warning to the South over the repercussions of such criticism. 

The newspaper also accused the South Korean government of sympathizing with the conservative voices, mentioning a recent remark by Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon that the North Korean military parade will likely be "very threatening."
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