PyeongChang Opening Ceremony to Be Held amid Usual Cold


The opening ceremony of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics is expected to be held amid average winter temperatures.

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA), during the opening ceremony of the sporting event between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Friday, the mercury is forecast to hover between minus five and minus two degrees Celsius. Conditions will be similar to or higher than the seasonal average for this time of year.

However, the wind chill will make it feel like it is around minus ten, but the weather agency noted it will likely pose no significant health issues for those attending the ceremony. 

The PyeongChang Olympic Plaza, where the opening ceremony will be held, is an open-air stadium, which has raised concerns about exposing athletes to freezing cold conditions. 

In response, the organizing committee for the Games plans to set up windbreak fences within the venue and provide heating pads for around 35-thousand spectators. 
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