N. Korean Parade Shows ICBMs, N. Korean Leader, Family


North Korea has unveiled video footage of its massive military parade held in Pyongyang on Thursday to mark the 70th anniversary of its military. 

The edited clips broadcast by the North’s state-run Korean Central Television later in the day showed a host of intercontinental ballistic missiles that are believed to be able to strike the U.S. mainland, including the Hwasong-15, Hwasong-14 and Hwasong-12, all of which the regime successfully test-launched last year. 

The North also displayed its solid-fuel Pukguksong-2 ballistic missile in an apparent bid to show off what it claims is the completion of its nuclear forces. 

The North’s military forces were smaller in scale than previous years possibly due to the fallout from strengthened international sanctions against the country’s nuclear and missile programs. 

However, many observers suspect the downsizing was intentional as Pyongyang seeks to avoid international criticism ahead of the Winter Olympics set to kick off in South Korea on Friday. 

Unlike past years, the parade was not broadcast live and foreign journalists were not allowed to cover the event. 

Despite the possible considerations for the South, however, observers say the North still achieved its goal of showing force with the parade by revealing all of its major missiles. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un also appeared on the podium during the parade flanked by his wife Ri Sol-ju and other senior party officials. 

Also seen was Kim’s sister and deputy director of the propaganda department of the Workers’ Party, Kim Yo-jong, who is scheduled to fly to the South on Friday as part of the North’s high-ranking delegation for the PyeongChang Games. 
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