N. Korea's High Level Delegation Begins Visit to S. Korea


Anchor: North Korea’s high level delegation is now in South Korea for the PyeongChang Olympics opening ceremony. The visit is drawing keen attention and spurring speculations about how inter-Korean ties will advance.
Bae Joo-yon has the details.

Report: After their first encounter at the opening ceremony of the PyeongChang Olympics Friday evening, President Moon Jae-in will meet Kim Yo-jong again at the top office on Saturday. 

Kim, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, holds the title of deputy director of the propaganda department of the Workers' Party.

Quoting a number of diplomatic sources, CNN said Friday that there is a "good chance" Kim will invite Moon to visit Pyongyang "sometime this year.” 

On Friday afternoon Kim Yo-jong and the regime's ceremonial head of state Kim Yong-nam arrived in South Korea as part of the North's high-level delegation to the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Led by Kim Yong-nam, the 22-member delegation includes other top-ranking officials such as Choe Hwi, chairman of the National Sports Guidance Committee, and Ri Son-gwon, chairman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland.

What is notable about the visit is that the UN Security Council granted a temporary exemption for Choe Hwi, a blacklisted North Korean official, to visit South Korea.

Choe was slapped with a travel ban last June under UN Security Council Resolution 2356 which sanctioned Pyongyang for its ballistic missile tests. 

Following the luncheon meeting with President Moon on Saturday, the North Korean officials will return to the North on Sunday. 
Bae Joo-yon, KBS World Radio News.
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