Moon Suggests S. Korea, Japan Squarely Look at History


President Moon Jae-in says he hopes South Korea and Japan will be sincere friends that understand each other well.  

Moon made the remark Friday during a summit meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. They held talks at the Yongpyeong Ski Resort in Pyeongchang ahead of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. 

The South Korean president also expressed hope the two countries will look squarely at their shared history and seek future-oriented bilateral cooperation by pooling their wisdom and strength.  

To that end, Moon said he looks forward to their strengthening top-level communications with each other by restoring and improving “shuttle diplomacy.”

It was the third summit between the two leaders following the first one on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit in Germany last July, and on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Russia in September. 

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