US Wins Slopestyle Snowboarding Gold Amid Blustery Conditions


Anchor: American Jamie Anderson won the ladies’ slopestyle snowboarding at the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games on Monday to claim her second consecutive Olympic gold in the event. However, the event will be better remembered for the tough weather conditions which caused the majority of the finalists to fall.  
Our Laurence Taylor has more.  

Report: American Jamie Anderson managed to keep her composure amid challenging weather conditions to win gold in the ladies’ slopestyle snowboarding at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Monday. 

Anderson was one of the few boarders to make it down the course at Phoenix Snow Park without falling, and secured her second consecutive Olympic gold medal in the event with a score of 83-point-00. 

Canada’s Laurie Blouin claimed the silver medal, with Finnish boarder Enni Rukajarvi taking home bronze.   

Anderson, who won the first ladies’ slopestyle snowboarding competition at the 2014 Sochi Games, landed a double-cork 1080 jump in her best run to stay ahead of her rivals.   

Her win will cement her position as the leading female slopestyle rider in the world, however the event will be best remembered for the high winds which caused havoc for the competitors.

The extreme weather had already affected the event even before Monday’s final, as the qualification round was cancelled due to the blustery conditions. 

That meant that all 27 boarders advanced to the final, although two pulled out before the event to leave a final field of 25.

There were concerns that the final itself would be postponed to a later date, but following a 75-minute delay, the winds calmed enough for the event to go ahead. 

All but five of the boarders suffered a fall during their first runs. Most of the crashes occurred following a jump which was severely affected by the extreme winds.

Anderson’s win meant that Team USA claimed gold in both the men’s and women’s slopestyle snowboarding, following one from Red Gerard’s victory in the men’s event on Sunday. 
Laurence Taylor, KBS WORLD Radio News. 

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