Food Summit in Pyeongchang Showcases Unique Flavors of Hansik


Anchor: On the sidelines of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, South Korea is holding a two-day Global Food Summit, sharing the unique flavors of Korean cuisine. South Korea's agriculture minister has pledged efforts to promote healthy food and to support food security around the world through humanitarian aid.
Oh Soo-young has this report.

Report: South Korea is showcasing the diverse flavors and health benefits of hansik, or Korean cuisine, to visitors from around the world attending the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs opened a food summit on Monday at the Olympic host city, inviting experts from all over the globe to discuss the future of the food industry and next-generation technologies for food production.

In an interview with KBS World Radio, Agriculture Minister Kim Yung-rok explained the excellence of Korean cuisine and ingredients in promoting nutritious and innovative food.

[Sound bite: Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Kim Yung-rok (English)]
"Korean cuisine is internationally acclaimed as balanced, nutritious food, containing an eight to two ratio of vegetable oil to animal oil. Also, soy sauce, soy bean paste and other fermented products are some of the world’s most advanced fermented foods. We take great pride in Korean cuisine’s excellence and uniqueness -- in the case of kimchi, it is one of the world’s top five healthiest foods."

The minister encouraged those visiting Pyeongchang to stop by the K-Food Plaza which offers 60 colorful dishes, including beef marinated in soy sauce, spicy chilli chicken stew, buckwheat pancakes and bibimbap -- a mixed rice bowl topped with colorful marinated vegetables and meat.

He also stressed the role of Korean food in promoting food security and tackling global hunger. 

He noted South Korea had recently joined the Food Assistance Convention, pledging food aid to developing nations.

[Sound bite: Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Kim Yung-rok (English)]
"There are many people around the world grappling with hunger so we are reaching out with the World Food Programme to deliver aid-- 50,000 tons of rice worth 46 billion won but as income levels in our country are set to hit $30,000 per capita, we will strive to seize the opportunity to expand our aid."

The minister expressed his hope that the harmonious balance of hansik flavors would contribute to the world, beginning with a "peaceful Olympics" event in Pyeongchang.
Oh Soo-young, KBS World Radio News.

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