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UNSC Meeting on N. Korea's Failed Satellite Launch Ends without Concrete Outcome

Written: 2023-08-26 12:56:24Updated: 2023-08-26 13:08:36

UNSC Meeting on N. Korea's Failed Satellite Launch Ends without Concrete Outcome

Photo : YONHAP News

The UN Security Council on Friday discussed North Korea's failed satellite launch but produced no concrete outcome. 

The meeting was requested by seven council members including the U.S., Britain and Japan as well as non-member South Korea.

U.S. ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield pointed out that though the attempt to launch a satellite using a space launch vehicle failed, it is still another violation of UNSC resolutions which the U.S. condemns in the strongest possible terms.

She said North Korea puts its paranoia and selfish interests over the dire needs of its people and the regime's war machine is fueled by repression and cruelty.

Most council members including the U.K., France, Japan and Albania condemned Pyongyang's latest launch.

However the meeting failed to produce tangible outcome such as a presidential statement due to opposition by China and Russia.

Russia's ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said the meeting was a hypocritical attempt to detract attention from the reckless escalatory actions of the U.S. and its allies in the region, who represent the real sources of threats to international peace and security.

China echoed the sentiment with its deputy ambassador Geng Shuang blaming the U.S. for the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula. 

Though not council members, South and North Korea also took part in the meeting as parties of interest.

Seoul's ambassador Hwang Joon-kook refuted Pyongyang's claim that its nuclear development is necessary due to threats posed by South Korea and the U.S. The envoy argued that it was North Korea's continued threats that led to stronger cooperation on extended deterrence between the allies.

The North's ambassador to the UN Kim Song also spoke up, repeating the claim that nuclear development and missile launches are a sovereign nation's legitimate right.

The emergency meeting came after Pyongyang made its second failed attempt to launch what it claims is a military recon satellite on Thursday.

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