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K-POP News

Chu Sang-mi and Lee Seok-jun to Tie Knot


K-POP Connection

Chu Sang-mi and Lee Seok-jun to Tie Knot
Actress Chu Sang-mi will tie the knot with musical actor Lee Seok-jun on Nov. 5.

The two met when they appeared together in a musical in 2003.

The wedding will be held behind closed doors by the wedding agency Lael Wedding owned by comedian Park Su-hong.

After the wedding ceremony, Chu and Lee will leave for Albion Resort in Africa.

Chu debuted in 1994 and has since appeared in many TV shows and movies. Her father is the late theater actor Chu Song-woong and her brother is also an actor.

Lee debuted as a theater actor in 1996 and has played leading and supporting roles in musicals. In 2004 he won the Korea Musical Award for Best Supporting Actor.

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