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Horrific murder galvanizes public, raising questions over legal system’s approach to mental health

#Hot Issues of the Week l 2018-10-28



Police say the 29-year-old suspect's name is Kim Seong-soo. He's accused of stabbing a part-time worker at an internet cafe dozens of times on October 14th.

Police say the dispute started with a request by the suspect for the victim to clear leftovers from a table.

After an argument, the suspect allegedly left and returned with a knife. He reportedly told police he killed the worker because he was unkind.  

He also said he has been taking antidepressants for years, and his family submitted a doctor’s note verifying his depression to the police.   

The brutal case has sparked a public uproar. More than 800-thousand people have signed an online petition on the presidential office website calling for heavy punishment.  

Petitioners are complaining about a leniency clause in Korean law that mitigates punishment for those with mental disorders or otherwise incapable of proper decision-making.

Kim has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital for a one-month evaluation before the case proceeds further.

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