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Carbon Neutrality Not Optional Says President Moon

#Hot Issues of the Week l 2020-11-08



President Moon Jae-in says carbon neutrality should be a common goal that countries around the world jointly pursue in order to tackle the climate crisis.  

He made the remarks in a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

Chairing a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, President Moon Jae-in called on government agencies to make all-out efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions.

He also stressed the need to make necessary preparations on a national level and pursue them systematically and consistently.

Moon said that reaching such a goal will be a challenge for South Korea, which relies heavily on fossil fuel, but stressed that tackling the climate crisis isn't optional -- it's essential.

The president said preparations to make South Korea carbon neutral can produce results if they are pursued at a national level. He stressed the need for active participation by local governments and the private sector as well as rallying the public.

Moon vowed last Wednesday before parliament to make South Korea carbon neutral by 2050, which entails reducing greenhouse gas emission levels to zero.

Experts say this zero-carbon emission drive is based on the belief that climate change threatens the livelihood of the human race and is directly linked to economic strategies for the country in the mid to long term.

President Moon’s declaration was hailed by UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric.

He noted that South Korea, the world’s 11th largest economy and 6th biggest exporter, has joined the ranks of leading nations taking the initiative to make the world sustainable and carbon neutral.

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