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Danish Consumers Puzzled as Spicy Korean Ramen Recalled for Being Too Spicy

Written: 2024-06-14 15:06:51Updated: 2024-06-14 15:29:06

Danish Consumers Puzzled as Spicy Korean Ramen Recalled for Being Too Spicy

Photo : YONHAP News

Anchor: South Korean ramen products, known for their extremely spicy taste, have stirred debate in Denmark, where the instant noodles have been recalled for being too spicy. Danish food authorities said the imported ramen products contain too much capsaicin, a potentially harmful ingredient. Customers on the other hand are finding the move hard to understand. 
Kim Bum-soo has more.   

Report: Danish food authorities earlier this week started to recall three types of South Korean spicy ramen noodle products, citing possible risks of “acute poisoning.”

While recalling Seoul-based Samyang Foods' "Buldak" line of products, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration stated that they contain an overly high dose of capsaicin, an ingredient that can act as a neurotoxin. 

The move came as Danish teenagers were daring each other on social media to eat the South Korean products, according to the agency. 

Consumers are advised to return the spicy ramen products to the retailer but shop owners and customers appear to be unhappy. 

[Sound bite: Rubin Truong - shop owner in Denmark]
"So if this product, if ramen is being recalled, then why are Tabasco and fresh jalapenos not being recalled? And there are products that are being sold right now that are even more spicy, like chili powder."  

[Sound bite: Ano Yasmin - 20-year old customer in Denmark]
“I don't think there is a reason for it to be banned because you decide on your own, on the spiciness or what you put in it and it is on your own, how spicy you make it." 

[Sound bite: Lea Prien Skjøde - 21-year old shop assistant in Denmark] 
“I think it's a little bit strange because most people already know it's spicy when they buy it.”  

Children, frail adults and the elderly are at risk, according to Henrik Dammand Nielsen of the Danish Food and Drug Administration. 

The South Korean food company said in a statement to reporters that the same noodles are sold all around the world and this is the first time they have been recalled.

The manufacturer stressed that the steps taken in Denmark were not based on product quality issues but because local authorities are concerned that the products could potentially cause problems.

Danish food authorities said Friday that at least ten people in the country have reported vomiting and other illnesses after consuming the Buldak ramen noodles.
Kim Bum-soo, KBS World Radio News.

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