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261,000 Jobs Added in April

Written: 2024-05-17 09:34:48Updated: 2024-05-17 09:49:29

261,000 Jobs Added in April

Photo : [연합뉴스TV 제공]

The nation added more than 260-thousand jobs in April, with job growth rebounding to over 200-thousand after falling within the 100-thousand range the previous month.

According to Statistics Korea on Friday, the number of employed people stood at 28-point-69 million in April, up 261-thousand from the same month last year.

The nation added more than 300-thousand jobs in January and February, but the figure dipped to 173-thousand in March.

By age group, the largest employment increase was among people aged 60 and older with a year-on-year rise of 292-thousand, while the figure for those aged 15 to 29 decreased by 89-thousand.

The employment rate for those aged 15 and older rose by zero-point-three percentage points from a year earlier to reach 63 percent last month, the largest figure on record for April since the nation started compiling monthly data in July 1982.

The rate for those aged 15 to 64 also increased by zero-point-six percentage points from last year to reach 69-point-six percent.

The number of unemployed people increased by 81-thousand year-on-year in April, the largest growth since February 2021.

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