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Unification Ministry Says N. Korea’s Yoon Criticism Not Worth Response

Unification Ministry Says N. Korea’s Yoon Criticism Not Worth Response

The ministry in charge of inter-Korean affairs said North Korea's latest disparagement of President Yoon Suk Yeol does not merit a response.

At a press briefing on Monday, unification ministry spokesperson Koo Byoung-sam said the derogatory comments about the South Korean leader demonstrates the regime's vulgarity and lack of basic manners or common sense.

Earlier in the day, the North's state-run Korean Central News Agency(KCNA) released a statement criticizing Yoon for "malignantly" slandering Pyongyang's friendly cooperation with Moscow, and for serving as a "loudspeaker" for Washington.

Denigrating Yoon for what it referred to as political immaturity and calling him a "diplomatic idiot" and "incompetent chief executive," the report accused him of being "hysterical" for categorizing friendly cooperation between neighboring countries for sovereignty and peace as a threat.

At the UN General Assembly last week, Yoon warned that the North's acquisition of information and technology necessary to strengthen its weapons of mass destruction capabilities in return for providing conventional weapons to Russia would be a "direct provocation" against South Korea.

[Photo : YONHAP News]

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