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N. Korea Claims Test Firing of Tactical Ballistic Missile with Autonomous Navigation System

N. Korea Claims Test Firing of Tactical Ballistic Missile with Autonomous Navigation System

North Korea claimed that it has test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new "autonomous" navigation system under the guidance of regime leader Kim Jong-un, as part of technical advancement of its weapons system.

The North's state-run Korean Central News Agency(KCNA) said on Saturday that the test conducted the previous day has verified the accuracy and reliability of the autonomous navigation system.

The KCNA said Kim expressed satisfaction over the strategic military value from the unilateral development of the system and its successful introduction.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) said on Friday that it detected the firing of multiple short-range ballistic missiles from the North's eastern coastal city of Wonsan. The JCS said the missiles flew over 300 kilometers before falling into the East Sea.

The North Korean leader also visited a defense industrial complex that is assumed to produce transporter erector launchers for the Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, where he called for bolstered nuclear deterrence against the "reckless military confrontational schemes" of the state's enemies.

[Photo : YONHAP News]

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