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KCNA: N. Korean Leader Guided Firing Drills Using Multiple Rocket Launchers

KCNA: N. Korean Leader Guided Firing Drills Using Multiple Rocket Launchers

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reportedly guided a firing drill of super-large multiple rocket launchers on Thursday in a show of force. 

The North’s state Korean Central News Agency(KCNA) said on Friday that the North held the drill to demonstrate the country’s willingness to carry out a preemptive attack if its enemies attempt to use military power against the regime, adding Kim directly ordered the “power demonstration firing.”

The report came a day after South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the military detected about ten short-range ballistic missiles fired toward the East Sea from the Sunan area in Pyongyang at 6:14 a.m. Thursday. 

The KCNA described the drill as North Korea’s response to South Korea’s dangerous show of force against the North’s exercise of its sovereign rights, apparently taking issue with Seoul’s decision to hold air drills on Monday after the North informed Japan of its plan to launch a spy satellite.

Kim reportedly said that the drills will serve as an occasion in clearly showing what consequences the enemies will face if they provoke the North.

The KCNA said Kim also urged the country's “nuclear forces” to be prepared to carry out the mission of war deterrence as well as taking the initiative in case of war.

[Photo : YONHAP News]

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