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Putin: New 'Fundamental Document' to Form Long-Term N. Korea-Russia Ties

Putin: New 'Fundamental Document' to Form Long-Term N. Korea-Russia Ties

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his state visit to North Korea, said Moscow has prepared a "fundamental document" to form the long-term basis of relations with Pyongyang. 

According to Russia's state-run Sputnik news agency on Wednesday, Putin, at the start of a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, thanked Pyongyang for its consistent and unwavering support for Moscow's policies, including those regarding Ukraine.

Stating that Moscow has fought against the U.S. and "satellite" countries' hegemonic and imperialist policies for many decades, Putin stressed that Russia's "close friendship" with North Korea is based on “equality and respect of mutual interests.” 

The Russian leader also said Kim's visit to Russia last year resulted in significant progress in building bilateral relations, adding that Moscow has drawn up a "fundamental document" that will lay the foundation for long-term ties.

Expressing confidence in the success of Wednesday's summit talks, Putin said he hopes that the next bilateral summit will take place in Moscow.

[Photo : YONHAP News]

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